Head First EJB

Head First EJB | O'Reilly Media



Passing the Sun Certified Business Component Developer Exam

With Head First EJB, you'll learn not just what the technology is, but more importantly, why it is, and what it is and isn't good for. You'll learn tricks and tips for EJB development, along with tricks and tips for passing this latest, very challenging Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) exam. You'll learn how to think like a server. You'll learn how to think like a bean. And because this is a Head First book, you'll learn how to think about thinking... And nobody knows the certification like they do --they're co-developers of Sun's actual exam!

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates
ISBN 978-0-596-00571-9
veröffentlicht 2003
Seiten 736
Sprache English

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