Jump Start HTML5

Jump Start HTML5 | SitePoint



Get up to speed with HTML5 in a weekend

This short book provides a practical introduction to HTML5. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the predominant language of web pages. Originally developed as a way to describe and share scientific papers, HTML is now used to mark up all sorts of documents and create visual interfaces for browser-based software. With HTML5, however, HTML has become as much an of API for developing browser-based software as it is a markup language. In this book, we'll talk about the history of HTML and HTML5 and explore its new features.

Herausgeber SitePoint
Autor(en) Tiffany B Brown, Kerry Butters, Sandeep Panda
ISBN 978-0-9802858-2-6
veröffentlicht 2014
Seiten 250
Sprache English

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