Droid 2 For Dummies

Droid 2 For Dummies | Wiley



The highly anticipated arrival of the Droid 2 runs on the latest version of Google's mobile operating system and boasts a suite of apps that wirelessly synchronize with Gmail, Calendar, Contacts, Maps, and Microsoft Exchange. Ultimate For Dummies author Dan Gookin shows you how to maximize the performance of your Droid 2 smartphone in his unique fun-and-friendly manner, holding your hand the entire way. Sure, the basics of setup and configuration are covered, but you'll also explore texting, e-mailing, accessing the Internet, using maps and navigation, syncing with a PC, and more. Gookin's accessible and fun writing style strikes a perfect balance for explaining important content in a way that is easily digestible.

Herausgeber Wiley
Autor(en) Dan Gookin
ISBN 978-1-118-00286-5
veröffentlicht 2010
Seiten 384
Sprache English

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