Testing in Scala

Testing in Scala | O'Reilly Media



If you build your Scala application through Test-Driven Development, you'll quickly see the advantages of testing before you write production code. This hands-on book shows you how to create tests with ScalaTest and the Specs2 - two of the best testing frameworks available - and how to run your tests in the Simple Build Tool (SBT) designed specifically for Scala projects. By building a sample digital jukebox application, you'll discover how to isolate your tests from large subsystems and networks with mocking code, and how to use the ScalaCheck library for automated specification-based testing. If you're familiar with Scala, Ruby, or Python, this book is for you.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Daniel Hinojosa
ISBN 978-1-4493-1511-5
veröffentlicht 2013
Seiten 166
Sprache English

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