Windows PowerShell in Action, 2nd Edition

Windows PowerShell in Action, 2nd Edition | Manning



Windows Powershell in Action, Second Edition is a completely revised edition of the bestselling book on PowerShell, written by Bruce Payette, one of the founding members of the Windows PowerShell team, codesigner of the PowerShell language, and the principal author of the PowerShell language implementation. This expanded, revised, and updated Second Edition preserves the original's crystal-clear introduction to PowerShell and adds extensive coverage of v2 features such as advanced functions, modules, and remoting. It includes full chapters on these topics and also covers new language elements and operators, events, Web Services for Management, and the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment.

Herausgeber Manning
Autor(en) Bruce Payette
ISBN 978-1-935182-13-9
veröffentlicht 2011
Seiten 1016
Sprache English

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