Gradle Beyond the Basics

Gradle Beyond the Basics | O'Reilly Media



Customizing Next-Generation Builds

If you're familiar with Gradle's basics elements - possibly through the author's previous O'Reilly book, Building and Testing with Gradle - this more advanced guide provides the recipes, techniques, and syntax to help you master this build automation tool. With clear, concise explanations and lots of ready-to-use code examples, you'll explore four discrete areas of Gradle functionality: file operations, custom Gradle plugins, build lifecycle hooks, and dependency management. Learn how to use Gradle's rich set of APIs and Groovy-based Domain Specific Language to customize build software that actually conforms to your product. By using the techniques in this book, you'll be able to write domain-specific builds that support every other line of code your team creates.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Tim Berglund
ISBN 978-1-4493-0467-6
veröffentlicht 2013
Seiten 80
Sprache English

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