Practical Methods of Financial Engineering and Risk Management

Practical Methods of Financial Engineering and Risk Management | Apress



Tools for Modern Financial Professionals

Risk control, capital allocation, and realistic derivative pricing and hedging are critical concerns for major financial institutions and individual traders alike. Events from the collapse of Lehman Brothers to the Greek sovereign debt crisis demonstrate the urgent and abiding need for statistical tools adequate to measure and anticipate the amplitude of potential swings in the financial markets - from ordinary stock price and interest rate moves, to defaults, to those increasingly frequent "rare events" fashionably called black swan events. Yet many on Wall Street continue to rely on standard models based on artificially simplified assumptions that can lead to systematic (and sometimes catastrophic) underestimation of real risks.

Herausgeber Apress
Autor(en) Rupak Chatterjee
ISBN 978-1-4302-6133-9
veröffentlicht 2014
Seiten 388
Sprache English

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