Getting Started with D3

Getting Started with D3 | O'Reilly Media



Creating Data-Driven Documents

Learn how to create beautiful, interactive, browser-based data visualizations with the D3 JavaScript library. This hands-on book shows you how to use a combination of JavaScript and SVG to build everything from simple bar charts to complex infographics. You'll learn how to use basic D3 tools by building visualizations based on real data from the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority. Using historical tables, geographical information, and other data, you'll graph bus breakdowns and accidents and the percentage of subway trains running on time, among other examples. By the end of the book, you'll be prepared to build your own web-based data visualizations with D3.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Mike Dewar
ISBN 978-1-4493-2879-5
veröffentlicht 2012
Seiten 70
Sprache English

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