Developing with PDF

Developing with PDF | O'Reilly Media



Dive Into the Portable Document Format

PDF is becoming the standard for digital documents worldwide, but it's not easy to learn on your own. With capabilities that let you use a variety of images and text, embed audio and video, and provide links and navigation, there's a lot to explore. This practical guide helps you understand how to work with PDF to construct your own documents, troubleshoot problems, and even build your own tools. You'll also find best practices for producing, manipulating, and consuming PDF documents. In addition, this highly approachable reference will help you navigate the official (and complex) ISO documentation.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Leonard Rosenthol
ISBN 978-1-4493-2791-0
veröffentlicht 2013
Seiten 218
Sprache English

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